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Carbon Literacy Courses | What’s it all about?

The Reel Green initiative set out to improve our environmental impacts within the motion picture industry. Through comprehensive strategic planning and engagement, four priority areas were outlined as critical to achieving a sustainable motion picture industry. These were education, engagement, communication and resource development.

From this came forth the Carbon Literacy Course!

Often an onerous and even intimidating topic, the Carbon Literacy Course is a course designed by the British Academy of Film and Television Arts to educate those in the motion picture industry on the basics of carbon emissions, and on the solutions to mitigate emissions through sustainable practices on set. Reel Green uses this course outline and curates its Carbon Literacy Course to be relevant to the Vancouver Motion Picture Industry – although the principles of the course can be applied globally! Science is the best!

Breaking down the basics of climate science is foundational to achieving sustainability. Why? Well, when we all have a collective understanding of why something is happening, we are empowered to do something to change it!

Since Reel Green launched its Strategic Plan in 2017, it’s curated SIX Carbon Literacy Courses, training 73 members of the motion picture industry locally!

Our goal is to have every member of the Vancouver motion picture industry take this course – at least once!

“Okay, but why should my production partake?”

Productions big or small all have an impact on the environment! We want to keep doing what we do by creating great stories, but do it in a way that is sustainable. That’s the macro level, but on the micro level, the more your cast and crew know about how to reduce carbon emissions and waste on set and where materials come from, the more comprehensive and effective your sustainability plan will be! This course can save precious time by training your team on the basics so they can do their work as effectively as possible while helping the environment.

In addition to sharing the facts on climate science, Reel Green has partnered with Actsafe to offer the Carbon Literacy Courses. This means that your profile will be updated with Carbon Literacy training through the Actsafe system and enhance your work profile.

Sounding good? Are you interested? These courses are free!

“Where do I sign up?”

Reel Green has three upcoming Carbon Literacy Courses! Don’t miss out on your spot:

Register today!