Sustainability goes beyond environmental conservation and carbon footprints. Social sustainability is also vital in order to move towards a future that can support generations to come.
"We are so excited to celebrate the influence of Dana Scully, as well as Gillian Anderson for portraying such a pioneering, capable and brilliant female character on TV. Check out the video to learn more read about the research here. Share how Dana and Gillian have inspired you by using the hashtag #ScullyEffect on social media!"

Some highlights included:
– Nearly two-thirds of women in the study who work in STEM say Dana Scully served as a role model.
– More than 90% of women in the study who are familiar with THE X-FILES agree that Dana Scully is a strong female character and a role model for women and girls.
– Women who regularly watched The X-FILES are 50% more likely to work in STEM than women who watch it less frequently, or not at all.