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Directors Guild of Canada hosts Sustainability Panel for Production Managers

On April 7th, the DGC hosted a Sustainability Panel for the DGC’s BC Production Managers course. The course is a requirement for individuals who are completing their training to work as Production Managers in BC.

Panelists included Tom Bennett, Director of Marketing for Portable Electric, Clara George, Producer/Production Manager, Grant Hankins, CEO and co-owner of MiniBins and Jennifer Sandoval, a Sustainability Consultant for Green Spark Group.

The panel shared information with the class about services and products available to BC productions including alternative power sources, waste management services, and on set production support.

The concept of circular economy and applying its principles in film production was introduced.  These include consideration of sustainability principles in everything from setting budgets, to buying materials and hiring vendors, to how everything is managed during production and where to send materials for reuse at wrap.

Portable Electric discussed the need for innovation and gave an update about the increased use of their Voltstack units by film productions in Canada and in other parts of the world.

MiniBins discussed the current challenges facing the recycling industry given the recent ban by China on imported recycled materials that has led to an increase in recycling fees here in BC.

Clara George shared her insights on effectively implementing policies and practices, and leading by example in her role as Producer and Production Manager.  

Jennifer from Green Spark Group gave an overview of the Reel Green program, including the Carbon Literacy Courses and other helpful resources like the Green Production Guide and the Sustainable Lockup’s Materials Reuse Service and Food Donation Program.  

A common message shared by the panel was the need for a change of mindset at all levels of production as a requirement for true change.