Members from across the motion picture industry in the Lower Mainland gathered in March for the Reel Green Meeting. Read more to discover what topics were explored at this meeting.
The meeting's agenda is packed full of great discussion topics including:
Discussing transport solutions with Plug-in BC and updates from local rental fleet company Driving Force.
Reel Green's Carbon Literacy Course updates
Update on the progress with some of Reel Green's projects including the introduction of a Carbon Calculator for local productions
Members from IATSE, Discount Car Rental, Driving Force, and Plugin BC were present to focus on transport solutions for motion picture.
Matthew Klippenstein P.Eng and Advisor at Plugin BC started with a presentation on the program which is an initiative of the Fraser Basin Council and works in collaboration with government, industry, academic institutions, EV owners, NGOs and utilities to advance the uptake of electric vehicles in British Columbia.
Plug In BC provides a central source for information on programs and initiatives that are supporting the electric vehicle market, including:
Access to incentives
Support for fleets
Support for first-time EV owners
Opportunities to experience electric
Information about charging stations
Concerns and challenges were raised from industry members around the table on the cost of using hybrids or electric vehicles, the distance a vehicle can go on one charge, and the availability of these vehicles to support the needs of the industry. However, members also pointed out that despite a higher cost, the price point is continuously lowering. It was also noted that the Province of BC has pledged that by 2040 all cars sold in B.C. will be clean energy vehicles. The proposed zero-emission vehicle mandate would be the strongest in North America, leapfrogging California, other U.S. states and Quebec. This sets the stage for a more viable clean vehicle market for motion picture. If suppliers do not participate this year, they will in the next 3-5 years ultimately bringing costs down and increasing availability.
Incentives were discussed as a way to help the public and the industry make the shift to electric vehicles:
Clean Energy Vehicle Program (CEVforBC) (new vehicle point-of-sale incentive)
BC SCRAP-IT Program (applies to new or used EVs if you scrap a car)
Specialty Use Vehicle Incentive for vehicles not covered by the CEVforBC program (such as e-motorbikes, forklifts, trucks and buses)
There are also two Province-wide programs to support EV infrastructure such as charging stations, administered by Plug In BC:
Fleet Champions Program – for private and public fleets; includes free EV business case analysis (less than 10 vehicles), free EV Telematics, and incentives for charging stations.
Charging Solutions & Incentives – Incentives for charging stations for homes, multi-dwelling buildings and workplaces.
Some misconceptions around using clean vehicle options were brought up around the table and an understanding of more education is required to collectively move forward as an industry. Use of HOV lane was also offered as additional benefits to the already environmental and economic ones for using clean vehicles. Driving Force, a car rental fleet company, suggested having a simple cost-benefit analysis would help in justifying renting hybrids for clients.
Idling was also brought up as a serious issue for the industry to address. Many in the room who work on productions mentioned the level of idling that occurs on average. Despite there being a no-idling by-law in the Greater Vancouver area, this doesn’t seem to be a general deterrent. Solutions were offered up in terms of what other productions have done to reduce idling time including signage, the Producer and Department heads communicating the importance of a no-idle policy, and education.
Overall there was a sense of needing to create an eco-system that makes change obvious, low barrier, and easy. The solution will be driven by time, innovation, and persistence and BC is hoping to lead the way.