Through the 2022 #ReelEarthDayChallenge, the BC film industry came together and fully funded seven projects in Metro Vancouver Regional Parks. These projects, spearheaded by the incredible Metro Vancouver Regional Parks Foundation (MVRPF), are completed and have been a huge success in the communities. MVRPF has shared the 2022 Final Report, featuring the final updates and progress made on every funded project and the impact each project made to their community.
In the 2022 REEL Earth Day Challenge, the BC film industry came together and raised $108,860 to support the Metro Vancouver Regional Parks, and with the help of sponsors and production teams, we raised enough money to fund 7 local transformational projects.
The REEL Earth Day Challenge 2022 Final Report provides more updates on the continuation of each project, and what future steps are being taken to complete them! To read all the updates on each project, you can access the Final 2022 Report here.
Keep an eye out for updates about the 2023 #ReelEarthDayChallenge. To learn more about the 2023 projects, sponsor a challenger team or donate to the 2023 challenge, visit the MVRPF website here.