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REEL Earth Day Challenge – Summer 2022 Update

Through the 2022 #ReelEarthDayChallenge, the BC film industry came together and fully funded seven projects in Metro Vancouver Regional Parks. These projects, spearheaded by the incredible Metro Vancouver Regional Parks Foundation (MVRPF), are deep underway and have been a huge success in the communities. MVRPF has shared the 2022 Summer Report, featuring updates and progress made on the funded projects.  


Read a few highlights from the report below. To read the full Summer 2022 report, click here


Support Indigenous Summer Programs for Youth 

This summer CTS Youth Society, Stream of Dreams and the North Fraser Metis Association will partner in free outdoor education programs bringing Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Youth (aged 12-18) together in regional parks. Through programming created and presented by Indigenous community representatives, youth will acquire knowledge from Métis and First Nations worldviews and culture, learn leadership and cultural competency skills, and have fun in nature. 


The first ever launch of Mishkoopitum Camps were at full capacity (plus a waitlist) this summer, showing great interest from youth. Camps ran on August 5-7 at Tynehead Regional Park and August 18-21 at Pacific Spirit Regional Park. We have had great feedback on the privilege it was for our local youth to learn about Métis culture with an environmental focus. 

The REEL Earth Day Challenge made the development of this pilot program possible, and established framework that will be used to continue the success of Mishkoopitum Camps in the future. 


Protect Amphibian Habitat 

We know elusive park residents, like Northwestern salamander and the Coastal tailed frogs, rely on seasonal ponds & creeks, but we don’t yet have a clear picture of their range, or which other species share their home. Through the Challenge, we have funded the work to replant and protect the Newt’s waterways & fund cutting-edge eDNA tests in the park. Using water samples, we will identify where and which species live here, & ensure all creatures, no matter how shy, get the protection they deserve. 


  • Site prep by CTS Youth Society volunteers has begun by removing English ivy and holly (2 event, 40 participants, 80 volunteer hours total)  
  • The Water Sustainability Act notification has been approved by the province of BC to begin the work 
  • Contractors have been hired and scheduled to dig ponds on Sept 23, as well as to install fencing in November 
  • 716 native plants have been ordered from a local nursery (including 70 trees) 
  • eDNA sampling is currently planned throughout September 2022 




In the 2022 REEL Earth Day Challenge, the BC film industry came together and raised $108,860 to support the Metro Vancouver Regional Parks, and with the help of sponsors and production teams, we raised enough money to fund 7 local transformational projects.  


The REEL Earth Day Challenge Summer 2022 Report provides more updates on the continuation of each project, and what future steps are being taken to complete them! 


To read all the updates on each project, you can access the full Summer 2022 Report here.