Have you had a chance to read the summer edition of COMPASS the official magazine of Location Managers Guild International?
If you did, you’d see that sustainable production had a 5-page feature! Check out “Choosing Excellence: Sustainable Production” on page 54!
Reel Green Ambassador, Julie Bernard, was interviewed for the article stating, “We need to lighten [the industry’s] footprint and create a more sustainable and thriving industry [in British Columbia]…we really believe that sustainable production is important and the new norm.” Not only was Reel Green featured in the article, but other groups and initiatives got some well-deserved spotlight for championing sustainable production in BC.
Kelsey Evans, founder of Keep it Green Recycling and collaborator at Sustainable Lockup was highlighted. Evans' initiatives have enabled excess catering and food to go to those in need as well as divert tonnes of waste, compost, and recyclables from the local landfills.
The Location Managers Guild International Board also had something to say on sustainable production. Board member, Matt Palmer says this, “We always work toward reducing our impact on a location as much as possible, and when we leave, it should be like we were never there. It’s even better when we can leave improvements behind.” Palmer works as a location manager for The X-Files in Vancouver, which diverted 68% of its waste from the landfill while shooting Season 11.
Despite incredible efforts made by some productions like The X-Files, Palmer notes, “As far as the film industry goes, I bristle when people say it’s a green industry because it is not. When you look at the energy footprint of most films and TV series, it is extensive, from all the production vehicles, generators powering lights, the massive amounts of materials used to construct sets that are usually sent to the landfill, and on and on.”
This is where organizations like Green Spark Group come in to help move the dial on sustainable production and to make the shift for productions as easy as possible. The COMPASS article features Zena Harris, President & Founder of Green Spark Group and also the consultant that worked with The X-files to become a sustainable production. Harris notes that “Our approach [at Green Spark Group] is holistic—everyone is responsible for the footprint of the production and contributes in some form to help it reach its sustainability goals.”
Overall the COMPASS article concludes that while on the rise, the industry needs to do a lot more before it can consider itself sustainable. Key players like Green Spark Group, Reel Green, Keep it Green Recycling, and more play a vital role in pushing forth this initiative. When asked, Is the industry doing enough Kendrie Upton, a former location manager, who is now the Executive Director of the Directors Guild of Canada BC Branch, responded, “Definitely not. Not yet. There is so much awareness that needs to be built and then we will start to see the level of focus that will be required to make the industry sustainable. However, we’re on the right track and moving forward which is a great start.”
Reel Green provides awareness, education, and resources to BC productions and members of the motion picture industry. Consider signing up for the Carbon Literacy Course or join a Reel Green general meeting to help push awareness for sustainable production practices!
Read the full LMGI article here.