Members of the industry gathered for a roundtable discussion on greening the motion picture industry as part of the Reel Green initiative. Read more to discovers what these industry leaders think about waste, transportation, and energy.
As part of our Strategic Plan at Reel Green, monthly meetings are hosted to encourage dialogue, resource sharing, and communication in order to generate awareness around sustainable production.
This month's meeting was focused on waste and energy and welcomed Keep it Green Recycling, Matrix Production Services, Western One and Portable Electric to the table.
Idling of transport vehicles, a known cause of significant and harmful emissions as well as a huge fuel waste, was discussed. Ideas like quantifying the costs of idling to productions, the feasibility of implementing idling monitors, and EcoBoost systems were shared as possible solutions to further investigate. Members around the table also noted the lack of options for productions looking to rent Hybrid vehicles for fleets. The conversation extended outside the realm of motion picture to consider similar challenges, such as lack of incentives to create alternative portable energy options in other industries like construction. One solution could provide not only a solution for the motion picture industry but inspire other industries to follow suit and utilize these solutions as well, thus making the path to cleaner energy for multiple industries and their supply chains a more viable option. New technologies, such as battery-powered lifts should also be considered.
Overall there was productive conversation and some actionable items that resulted from the March Reel Green meeting, including exploring greener energy alternatives, investigating the cost of idling solutions, and considering what is means to be a green vendor.
We encourage members of the industry to attend the next meeting on May 15th and bring their big ideas on sustainable production.