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Reel Green™ Vendor Spotlight: The Earth Group

Reel Green™ Vendor, The Earth Group, is a social enterprise and B Corp that exists to provide school meals to children globally, while minimizing their impact on the planet wherever possible. They have provided over 3 million school meals globally and have 1500 locations that offer their products.  

Kori Chilibeck and Matt Moreau met in 2005 while working in Skiers Sportshop in Edmonton, Canada. Through extensive travel, their eyes were opened to the dire circumstances in which a large percentage of the world lives. This gave them both the sense of responsibility to do what they can to create positive change in the lives of people who need it most. 

In the interview chair this month, is Matt Moreau, Founder of The Earth Group. He brings us an inside look into what their operations and impacts look like partnering with the Reel Green community and around the world.


1. What was the intention behind starting your business?
We wanted to have a business that addressed the inequality in our world.  Something that provided a tangible way for consumers to make a positive difference in the life of someone who to no fault of their own was born into difficult circumstances.

2. How are you partnering with the B.C. film industry to make it more sustainable?
We’ve seen countless productions use our reusable, recyclable, resealable aluminum bottles rather than single use plastic.  Aluminum is recycled at a far higher rate than plastic ensuring less waste ends up in landfills.  Our bottles are also very easy to refill, meaning less waste is created during a production. 

3. What are the day-to-day operations like within your business? What do you enjoy most out of it?We’re constantly working to share our story and educate people that a simple purchase like a bottle of water can make a real difference for people.  Every case sold funds a week of school meals in partnership with the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) and we’re proud to support their efforts. 

4. What is a recent achievement / green win you’ve had? Something you’re most proud of?
We recently funded 350,000 school meals for children in The Philippines.  

5. Why should film industry folks consider buying Aluminum Earth Water? Why should people support local Canadian businesses?
We can track the amount of purchases a production makes and tell them that by choosing Earth Water, you’ve funded ‘x’ amount of school meals.  That’s a powerful message for people to learn and celebrate as a team, knowing that just by working with us they’re helping kids focus on school rather than their stomachs.  School meals are a powerful way to keep kids in school and brighten their prospects in life. 

6. How do you partner/work with the Reel Green™ community?
We’ve supported various events over the years by providing water, and we’ve been lucky enough to join numerous meetings and presentations to not only share our story, but also learn about all of the wonderful initiatives Reel Green is supporting and shedding light on. 

7. Where can people find more information on your company and products?
Our website is and our social media handle is @theearthgroup.  Please reach out! 

There are over 30 Reel Green™ Vendors that offer a wide range of sustainable services or eco-products to help green our world. Let us know any Reel Green™ Vendors you would like to see in the spotlight next! If you are a Reel Green™ Vendor, and would like to be featured, send us an email at to set up an interview.   

Are you a vendor, but not on the Reel Green™ Vendor List yet? Check out the page linked below to find the vendor application form.    

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