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Reel Green™ Welcomes MPA Canada, Netflix and ICG 669 as New Partners

We are thrilled to announce that three new partners have joined the Reel Green™ advisory committee, alongside our existing partners, to help empower the motion picture industry to innovate and implement sustainable production practices. 

We’d like to extend a warm welcome to: Motion Picture Association – Canada (MPA – Canada), Netflix and International Cinematographers Guild Local 669 (ICG 669). 



MPA Studios are dedicated to accelerating the transformation of the global entertainment business into a more sustainable industry,” said Wendy Noss, President, Motion Picture Association – Canada. “Under Creative BC’s leadership, Reel Green™ is mobilizing Canada’s production community! We look forward to working with local partners to support initiatives that educate, empower and inspire the adoption of industry best practices.”

All six of the MPA member studios – including Disney, Netflix, Sony Pictures, Paramount, Warner Bros., and NBCUniversal – individually and voluntarily take on a wide variety of green initiatives throughout the year. As members of the Sustainable Production Alliance, and partners in the Green Production Guide, they are collectively dedicated to accelerating the transformation of the entertainment business into a more sustainable industry.




With Netflix’s initiative Net Zero + Nature: Our Commitment to the Environment, their plan is to accomplish “net zero green greenhouse gas emissions by the end of 2022, and every year thereafter.” With a three step plan in place, they plan on: (1) Reducing emissions, (2) Retaining the existing carbon storage, and (3) Removing carbon from the atmosphere. Reel Green™ is looking forward to amplifying Netflix’s mission and sustainability targets through this partnership.



ICG Local 669 represents over 1000 highly trained, skilled and talented camera professionals and publicists across the Western Canadian jurisdiction.

“Through partnerships with organizations such as Reel Green™, ICG 669 can educate our members and give back to the communities in which we work and live. Promoting sustainable film production is an integral step on the path to a more sustainable planet,” says Keith Woods, ICG 669 Business Agent and member of the Reel Green™ Advisory Committee. 


The Reel Green™ initiative is now comprised of 22 industry partners whose support is invaluable. Spearheaded by Creative BC, and funded by our industry partners, Reel Green™ helps Canada’s motion picture industry unite to improve production practices and reduce environmental impacts.

Learn more about the initiative and discover ways to get involved at