On Thursday, September 19th, industry members from throughout the lower mainland gathered at Creative BC for the fully packed bi-monthly Reel Green meeting. This month the meeting focused on the locations department—over the course of three presentations, the group brainstormed and discussed how to make integrating sustainable practices on location easier and more effective.
Representatives from the local film liaison company, Location Fixer, kicked off the meeting with a discussion of Green Guidelines they are implementing, both generally and at specific locations. The General Guidelines they provide to their clients include links to Reel Green and Green Production Guide resources, and information on the Sustainable Lockup.
For the specific location guidelines, Location Fixer used the Vancouver Art Gallery as a pilot location. At the Art Gallery, the green guidelines include outlining the goal of zero waste at the location, ensuring that recycling and composting takes place, minimizing single use plastics through actions like providing reusable water bottles, using spill kits and responsible cleaning products, using electrical tie-ins, and avoiding unnecessary idling. They are now looking to roll out similar guidelines at all locations.
Location Fixer also provided an update on electrical tie-in availability. BC Hydro has approved two permanent tie-ins at the busiest locations—Grandview Substation and Mainland Control Center, and are looking at steps to install them, so hopefully they will be available soon. The group discussed other possible tie-in options, such as using EV stations or street lamps, which are not currently available, but would be helpful to have as part of the mix as generators are phased out.
Next, Smiely Kurhana, emerging producer and Green Spark Group intern, led a discussion on waste signage on location. One of the biggest challenges in waste management is contamination, which occurs when people don’t know what to put where. Signage and other resources are available, but it is also important that the information is highly visible, and easy to transport, which is what Smiely is working on. Stay tuned for updates on her work!
Finally, Prescilla Yeo spoke about the role of an Environmental Steward, or Sustainability PA on production. She highlighted the importance of the position, and the need to make it a more consistent position across shows. The Sustainability PA isn’t just there to help with waste management. It is a dynamic role that brings crew together around sustainability, and serves as a motivator, educator, and communicator. We’re looking forward to the day when there is a Sustainability PA on every show!
Jennifer Sandoval wrapped up the meeting by reminding everyone that the Sustainable Production Forum is November 1 & 2. Registration is open, so get your tickets now!