The Sustainable Production Alliance (SPA) recently published two reports: The Soundstage Facility Survey Key Takeaways Report and the Regional Analysis of Film and TV Carbon Emissions Report.
Soundstage Facility Survey Key Takeaways
The SPA Soundstage Facility Survey Key Takeaways Report is a result of the survey that SPA organized to collect data from June 2021 to October 2021. Over 50 facilities participated in this survey and gave information on their clean power availability, HVAC systems, energy efficient, production services and sustainability efforts. This report touches on the benefits and considerations on sustainable practices in the industry, including Clean Energy & power, HVAC Systems, LED Lighting, Clean Energy Rentals, Materials Reuse, Waste Management, and Carbon Emissions. The key takeaways in this report spotlight the best practices for facilities to help reduce their environmental impacts.
Read the full report here.
Regional Analysis of Film and Television Carbon Emissions
The SPA Regional Analysis of Film and Television Carbon Emissions Report is a deeper dive into the Carbon Emissions of Film and Television Report that SPA released back in March 2021. It is an industry baseline using data collected from SPA’s member company productions between 2016-2019. The regional data report shows a few of the key takeaways from this data that can spark further conversations in the industry on how to reduce emissions and encourage sustainable production practices.
Data was collected from 75 film and 242 TV productions in the USA, and 22 film and 39 TV productions in Canada. These reports show total and percent average emissions sources by region based on the production type with the most data per region.
Read the full report here.