The 2023 #REELEarthDayChallenge brought together film crews, productions, sponsors and industry stakeholders to raise funds towards projects for Metro Vancouver Regional Parks. This year the BC film industry raised $100,000 towards 9 projects. These projects are led by the Metro Vancouver Regional Parks Foundation (MVRPF) and have already begun impacting the communities in positive ways. The 2023 Fall Report features progress updates on the 5 fully funded projects from the 2023 REEL Earth Day Challenge.
Read a few highlights from the report below and read the full Fall 2023 Report here.
Strengthening Mental Health in Youth:
Research shows that spending time in nature can have a positive impact on mental health by lowering anxiety, improving mood, boosting creativity, reducing stress, and more. Fraser Health has an average of 500 youth admitted annually for psychiatric needs, a number that has increased due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Depression and anxiety are two of the major health conditions affecting the youth.
The Challenge has funded a pilot program that aims to develop and deliver in-park programs for out-patient youth in the Fraser Health Psychiatric Unit, providing a safe and supportive environment for them to engage with nature. By offering these programs, we are improving the mental health and wellness of these youth and promoting the understanding of the healing power of nature.
Latest Project Update:
Park Interpreters worked to develop and deliver in-park Wellness Walks for out-patients with the Fraser Health pediatric psychiatry unit. Initial meetings with Fraser Health and program development began in April. In addition, two staff members completed Mental Health First Aid training.
The program launched in August, with two cohorts from Fraser Health participating. Each cohort will participate in its own ‘Wellness Walk’ over the course of the next 6 months, across multiple parks in the Regional Parks system. In total 26 youth will spend a combined 300 hours in nature.
New Life For Rare Ecosystems:
Last year, an unprecedented storm surge and king tide caused severe damage to Iona beach, threatening this rare and delicate habitat. With $25,000 generously pledged from MBS Equipment Co., we helped restore and protect endangered coastal dune ecosystems located near the mouth of the Fraser River in Iona Beach Regional Park. This project made a significant difference in preserving the natural beauty and balance of this unique coastal ecosystem and improving this ecosystem’s overall resiliency.
Latest Project Update:
Log Cleanup: August – September 2023 Invasives removal and beach planting: Oct 2023
Results to Date:
- Removed fourteen 100 yd3 bins of logs and sent for beneficial reuse= 1400 yd3
- Removed logs from a coastal sand dune area of approximately 2300 m2 = 0.23 ha
- Volunteers planted 120 dune grass (Elymus mollis) and 144 coastal strawberry (Fragaria chiloensis) during EcoBlitz events
- The areas was seeded with Carex macrocephala (large headed sedge), Gaillardia aristata (blanket flower), and Lathyrus japonicus (Beach pea)
- Removed 146 kg invasives (Himalayan blackberry and Scotch broom) with the help of volunteers
- A total of 46 volunteers participated and contributed 92 hours of service
Since 2021, the event has raised over $373,000 to build biodiverse, inclusive park spaces, and a more sustainable world. Thanks to all our sponsors and production teams, this years’ challenge raised $100,000 to support the Metro Vancouver Regional Parks which fully funded 9 transformational projects. Read about all of the projects here.
To read all the updates, download the Fall 2023 Report here.
If you’re looking to sponsor the 2024 REEL Earth Day Challenge, take a look at the 2024 Sponsorship Tiers.