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Tell Us What’s Happening Feature: BCIT integrates sustainability into production classes

Cindy Leaney, Faculty in the British Columbia Institute of Technology’s Broadcast & Media Communications Department, has been attending the Reel Green Higher Education Roundtable Meetings and integrating sustainable production into her classes and beyond.

Additionally, Leaney integrated the Reel Green materials into the first year curriculum within the Production Planning and Production Management courses she instructed. This led to many students signing up for carbon literacy courses, and expressing interest in the sustainable lockup. The students were also enthusiastic to learn what local and international productions are implementing in terms of sustainability.

Leaney looks forward to screening the Be Reel Green videos and familiarizing the new cohort of 46 students with Reel Green initiatives in September 2019.

Congratulations! Let's keep those sustainable stories coming! Tell us what's happening in your world here