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Tell Us What’s Happening Feature: Donating Set Materials to Charity

Keep it Green Recycling is not only an incredible service provider, but they’re also a connector and have sustainability in mind first and foremost in everything that they do. Recently Keep it Green Recycling connected SOS Children’s Village BC with a local production, read on to see what happened.

Some amazing things happen when you make the right connections!

When a production wraps or ends, it looks to get rid of some items like set dec and props. Sometimes productions will store these items if they anticipate reuse for future production but many times they end up in the landfills.

Keep it Green Recycling, a local service provider for waste and recycling specializing in the motion picture industry, helps productions reduce their waste in a variety of ways. They're also one of the partners behind the Sustainable Lockup that accepts set dec, props, materials, and costumes to be donated to other productions or non-profits. In this case, Keep it Green Recycling was able to connect a local production with SOS Children's Village BC after hearing the production need a plan for getting rid of their set dec and props. 

A few emails later and in 2 days three 5-tonne trucks of donated material were provided to SOS Children's Village BC. SOS also worked with the Salvation Army to ensure all the items were put to use.